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Группы : Дискографии


Weeping Birth: "A Painting Of Raven And Rape" – 2003

энциклопедия: Weeping Birth

Состав группы:

  • Vladimir Cochet – вокал, гитара, бас, ударные, программирование

Weeping Birth: "A Painting Of Raven And Rape" – 2003


  1. Eternal Hatred
  2. Ingrown Vampire
  3. The Mental Bloodtide
  4. Hymen De Sang & Sperme
  5. Raped By The Dead In A Bed Of Roses
  6. A Painting Of Raven And Rape
  7. Der Schrecklichste Auf Der Welt
  8. Kyung Sook
  9. Oxymoron


1. Eternal Hatred

Frozen is my mind
By these catacombs of beauty
This deceit is not mine
Thus I spit in your illusory love
I was delivered in a tomb
But now I am reborn
With Hatred in my heart
Making black blood flow through my veins

Eternal Hatred
Against all the dwellers of this decadent millennium
Eternal Hatred
Against all these soulless bodies

Eternal Hatred
The blood of my life
Eternal Hatred
The taste of my revenge

Your ordeals start now
Through powerful incantations
Of my occult knowledge
Thought by the horned ones
Thus I curse all these masses
To be prisoners in their own bodies
And to the afterlife disintegration
Of all kind of thinking substance

This is my curse

2. Ingrown Vampire

Thousands of mouths vomiting a burning purple magma
Within a dream
But suddenly an island appeared in the raging lava sea
Unveiled me, a vampire in my arms

I awoke, a new perpetual scream in my mind
And a strange shadow dancing in my sight

Later, while running in the maze of Life
I saw that dancing shadow
Starting to tremble and to glow
At the feet of a human being

But that was just an appearance
For it was the shadow of a vampire

The intangible voice stopped too
And muted into an enchanting whisper
Flowing between the dark lips
Of that secret figure
Then between two locks of her shadowy hair
Her gaze got disclosed
Icy and bright like the moonlight
Sad and powerful like northern winds

The word of recognition thundered through the night

In an unspoken voice our thoughts and past were exchanged
With only the strength of our will
And the similarity of our state
Distorted by the events

Gnawed from her own entrails
By an irreversible disease
Born from the original lack
She became an ingrown vampire

Just as I am
Ingrown Vampire

Eternally torn we are
In the loneliness of our being
Doomed to be
Doomed to see

3. The Mental Bloodtide

Naked I run through a lively maze
Formed by breathing walls moaning their shame

My eyes are melting, dripping on my cheeks
Hollowing deep trails on my putrid face

Clouds of pestilence surround me
Formed by the stench of my decomposition
Though I can still see

I collapse in a mental blood tide
The negation of my self

I was given life but I refuse it
Love is a lie

I have only one way to escape
It's the negation of my being
For I am not... just an illusion
I have to destroy my body and my mind
Self rape Self desecration
Self annihilation Self ruin
Don't want to suffer this mistaken world
I want to return to the perfection

But I am still captive of this carnal substance
I need to shatter it
With fire, ice, time and hatred...
Hatred! Open me the gates of nothingness!
But I am still a prisoner of this body
I need to destroy it

I want to rot entirely
Though I am still alive

I gnaw my mouldy limbs
To accelerate my regression

But I cannot die now
Why? Creators, fear my revenge!

4. Hymen De Sang & Sperme

Dès le vagissement originel, je fus honni
Par la traîtrise maternelle, puis de l'Eden banni.
Dérivant dans un berceau de fer, flottant sur une fange de sang,
Je fus mon propre créateur, maître de l'essence et du temps.
Hélas berné par la candeur, avec l'ignorance pour seule connaissance du funèbre.
Un jour par malheur ou par bonheur, sur moi s'abattit un halo de Ténèbres ;
Fermement j'endurai la révélation
Vomissant d'amères larmes de déception.

Toujours seul dans mon agonie, une mutation bestiale
En moi brusquement prit vie. Son issue inéluctablement fatale
Fit croître une haine sans pareille, à l'image du ventre.
Je m'éveillai de mon sommeil, sorti de mon antre.
Devant la lune je jurai revanche: " pareil stupre plus personne n'endurera ;
Je n'en épargnerai pas une ; je les exterminerai comme des rats "
Je cherchai ma première victime à travers les ans:
Omnipuissant, à elle je surgis du Néant

Elle me fixe comme évanouie.
Par son visage baigné de larmes
S'attise l'emprise de son charme:
" Tu connaîtras l'agonie "

Je viole la porteuse de vie!

En elle mon marteau la punit,
Déchire sa chair ; délice pervers
" Oui, tu connaîtras l'agonie
Et l'acerbe saveur des Enfers "

" Pour toujours tu demeureras gisante,
Empalée, profanée devant l'Eternité
Sous le torrent diluvien des larmes de Piété
T'enveloppant en un ultime baiser "

" Pour toujours tu demeureras roide,
Prisonnière de ta carapace de chair froide
Pourtant léchée par les flammes des Damnés
Qui constamment entendront ta voix se lamenter "

" Point de dualisme:
Je suis ton dieu et te domine!
Point de manichéisme:
Je suis le seul, l'unique: l'Essence du Mal! "

" Je règne sur ta vie:
tu n'es rien et le Néant est mien. "
Gronde, gronde le tonnerre de mon courroux,
Universel, omniprésent, intangible,
A jamais déchaîné, extermine le Tout.

Sur l'humanité je défèque.
Qu'importe où ma semence se brisera:
Tout sur son passage, de mort infectera

" Sens ma verge tuer ton enfant!
Submergé de coups, il périra lentement.
Infinie est ma puissance
Et telle sera ta souffrance "

Mère Terre, je t'ai pris deux vies aujourd'hui...

5. Raped By The Dead In A Bed Of Roses

Pain is my virtue
For it opened my eyes
Thus I could
Build my own essence
Vomited in Hell by the soulless womb
Then Raped By The Dead in A Bed Of Roses
But that pain gave birth to
An inexorable Hatred
Against the vile ones who
Created grief
Vomited in Hell by the soulless womb
Then Raped By The Dead In A Bed Of Roses

Bewildered, I am in the wrong dimension
I need to escape it
But time hasn't come yet
How can I wait?

"The dead are running after me, faster and faster.
I can smell their pestilent breath.
Why do they want me?
Why me?
I don't want to be one of them, but they are everywhere: even in my dreams!
No I don't want to be one of them! I don't want to be one of them!"

My hour shall come
No answer...

Raped By The Dead In A Bed Of Roses

Pain is my virtue
For it opened my eyes
Thus I could
Build my own essence
Vomited in Hell by the soulless womb
Then Raped By The Dead In A Bed Of Roses
But that pain gave birth to
An inexorable Hatred
Against the vile ones who
Created grief
Vomited in Hell by the soulless womb
Then Raped By The Dead In A Bed Of Roses

Raped by the dead in a bed of roses
I can't see any light beyond them
I am just a toy in their putrefied hands
No hope, just darkness...

6. A Painting Of Raven And Rape

Fallen shadow through eons of time
Beyond my skull throne resonate my forgotten whines
When the burden of ages slowly fissures my soul
Sunk into oblivion misery desperately crawls

Knelt before the altar
She summons me whispering my name

Stinking virginity
Enthralling of sexuality
Staring at her desire starts rising
The so extolled one has just stopped hiding
In the secret garden of might
Whence she learned how to curse the light
Hosanna through my veins

By her occult call she broke the Gate
Thus disturbing god's want about the fate
Misty and soulless love
Got reborn from the nethermost grave

In an ejaculation of madness
I forget my past wretchedness
And all kind of blindfold fears
To her I majestically appear

As she beholds me
In my angel winged body
Though now blessed by night
She has to quell a pervasive fright

In an ejaculation of madness
I forget my past wretchedness
And all kind of blindfold fears
To her I majestically appear

"Don't awe me
Just love me as the wind is free
I will fulfil your lustful desires
Enslaved for your immoral rapture"

Even though I talked to her
With all the patience I had in my breast
She was afraid of the supreme failure
And couldn't take advantage of the fest

Though she was a corrupted maiden
She was still scared by the shadows of ravens

Though she was a corrupted maiden
She was still scared by the shadows of ravens

Such an arrogance made my heart beat colder
Freezing the hosanna through my veins
My patience died, burnt by an icy internal fire
Letting my mind become sweetly insane

Standing on her bleeding knees
She stares at my wrathful being
Aware of the errors of her set past
Guessing the tragic outcome of the future

The punishment came from the impalement with my frozen javelin
Muting us into woeful sculpture
Immortalizing this grand event, the fallen ones drew
Another painting of Raven and Rape

Fallen shadow through eons of time
Beyond my skull throne resonate my forgotten whines
When the burden of ages slowly fissures my soul
Sunk into oblivion misery desperately crawls

7. Der Schrecklichste Auf Der Welt

The sun has been stolen and hidden behind the hand of god
Its solace has flown away, far, far, far from me
Into the darkness I was plunged against my wants and my needs
My wings were torn off and then thrown in the dust

The Reptile has hatched in my cold self, enlightening the denied depths of Truth

As I gazed into the crystal bowl
Disturbing the irreversibility of the past
I saw my infancy engulfed in the lava of my soul

One by one, I saw my limbs burnt by his will
And the ashes scattered, far, far, far from me
Leaving a bleeding painful trunk
With just a head of hatred

Then he showed me his back and forgot me
Thinking that my fate was between his hands
But god was wrong... as always
god was wrong

Simpletons are close to the so called Lord
This is not my case!
That's why I had to undergo his rage
Thus victimized because of my natural state

The Reptile has hatched in my cold self, enlightening the denied depths of Truth

As I gazed into the crystal bowl
Disturbing the irreversibility of the past
I saw my infancy engulfed in the lava of my soul

Tremble pathetic feeble masses of slaves
We, the thinking ones, are gathering, hateful
So as to dethrone your lying master
Be wary of the atheistic nihilist rise

Je m'abreuvais du rayonnement de l'astre sacré
Nié, seul, pourtant béat
Lorsque je vis pointer dans le ciel illuminé
Une main faisant mine de se tendre vers moi

A sa rencontre, j'élevai la mienne
Porté par la joie aussi humaine que soudaine
De découvrir en cette heure
Le créateur de mes créateurs
Sous mes yeux ébahis
De bonheur tout emplis
Je vis l'ineffable membre se muer
En un menaçant poing ensanglanté

Qui s'abattit de toute sa masse
Sur mon berceau d'immonde candeur
En transformant ma joie en peur
Ma peur en larmes et mes larmes en glace

Abus de pouvoir
Abus de savoir

Gott ist der Schrecklichste auf der Welt

8. Kyung Sook

I built and built my castle on my pain
Trying to escape from the maze of my veins
Kyung Sook
Cold, she appeared in the night
Hiding the pale moonlight
Nihilist of Nihilism
Beyond the essence of Good, beyond sadism

Gnawing my face as denying my faith
To what thinks to be she gives chase
Kyung Sook
Immaterial though human
Her ungaze shall forever tear me
Haunting the shores of my mind
Annihilating the notion of liberty

No chaos, divinity or sense
Just the illusion
Given by an unworld in a trance
Just an illusion...

Denying both feelings and thoughts
Just illusions
Of an unrace that has always fought
To build illusions

Spiting in my wide open eyes
And scattering all my dreams
The Wolf bites the Wolf
Refuting the exact question of the I

Lunatic and hateful she stands before me
Blinding her grief with a destructive rage
Kyung Sook
You cannot escape your state
It is not because you haven't found anything yet
That there is nothing to find
Doubt be your weapon

Through the countless eddies of Love and Hatred
Let me show you the path
Open your deaf ears and your blind mind to my word
You don't need my being but I might enlighten your I... Your darkened I
Open one Eye... Then the other one
Don't drink my thoughts like the flowers drink water
But don't wither yet! Don't be burnt by blight!

9. Oxymoron

I feel the raw caress of celestial madness
Freezing my soul through my motionless fall

On the eternal path of sorrow
Aimless I wander amongst glowing shadows
Suffocating in their metal vomit
Though mourning they all gnaw my bound feet

Thunder roar riding through my mind
Unveiling signs of decline
The iniquity of reality blindly pears at me
Tasteless blood flowing on the snow
Enlightening the afterglow
The iniquity of reality blindly pears at me

Fair iniquity, scientific sorcery
Rape is noble
Heretic religion, immoral satisfaction
Bestiality is praiseworthy

I feel the raw caress of celestial madness
Freezing my soul through my motionless fall
The pestilent absurdity of lust and flesh
Rules the weak, possessed by internal whispers

Waves dancing in a shameful movement of pride
Loneliness in the tide
The iniquity of reality blindly pears at me
Hideous smiles vomiting inaudible sighs
Under glossy eyes
The iniquity of reality blindly pears at me

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